Google AdWords Agency in New York

The use of mobiles is exploding, and Google holds more than 90% of the market. Advertising auction strategies are more and more intelligent, and the use of Youtube has become a reflex for users. Google AdWords agency in New York will help you understand these developments and get the most out of them. There are many opportunities for growth through leverage, but you need us, so you don’t miss out.

AdWords Campaign Management Services

The first lever of digital media investment, SEA (Search Engine Advertising), helps to increase traffic. We structure and manage your campaigns to achieve the best performance. We define together the objectives of your campaigns and precisely measure the ROI of our actions.

We offer you “full service” human management. As a good search engine campaign specialist, your traffic manager takes care of everything: a selection of the different campaign objectives, set up of campaigns with ad groups (ETA / RSA / DSA / Smart Shopping …), writing of ads, and implementation of the best methods to maximize the performance of your automation campaigns.

1 Search Ad

As part of SEA – Search Engine Advertising campaigns, we run the Google Ads, Google Shopping, and Bing Ads. The activation of SEA campaign makes it possible to reach Internet users at the bottom of the conversion funnel, in the consideration or decision phase.

The devices that allow us to engage them on commercial objectives – sales or commercial lead. This is the reason why in 100% of cases, we work with the objective of profitability and short-term return on investment.

To gain efficiency and accelerate your growth, Google Ads or Bing Ads campaigns must be combined with Display Marketing campaigns.

We design strategies and imagine tactics to distribute your SEA campaigns to your target audience in the right place at the right time. To go further, consult with our spec list.

2 Display Ads

As part of Display marketing campaigns, we run Google Ads, Native Ads, Social Ads, and YouTube Ads. The activation of Display marketing levers makes it possible to reach Internet users at the top of the conversion funnel, in the discovery or consideration phase. The devices that we are imagining allow them to make them aware of your products make them discover your brand, and start a conversation.

The Google Display Network (GdN) makes it possible to reach 80% of Internet users. This is a network of partners, managed by Google, made up of thousands of sites that allow the display of Google Ads on their pages as part of the AdSense and Ad Exchange programs. The Display Network allows the dissemination of text ads or visual ads (banners or videos).

We design strategies and imagine tactics to distribute your Display campaigns to your target audience in the right place and at the right time. To go further, consult with our Google Ads specialist.

3 Shopping Ads

As a Google Adwords Shopping agency, we help you to optimize your Google Merchant Center feed. It facilitates you to submit your full catalogue so that your products can be seen in Google Shopping results. Photos, prices, etc., of products, appear directly on Google in addition to the classic Google Ads ad. Google Shopping campaigns regularly account for more than 50% of an e-commerce company’s expenses, so you need to optimize them with the utmost attention and expertise.

4 Remarketing Ads

Google Remarketing ads allow you to re-target old visitors to a site or application. Remarketing is useful for relaunching an Internet user who has not bought on your merchant site, has abandoned their cart or made a request for a document to be downloaded via the contact form provided for this purpose.

There are different methods to set up Adwords Remarketing campaigns. Google AdWords agency in New York supports you to activate the fastest and most efficient levers of profitability.

5 Apps Campaigns

With Apps Campaigns, show your ads across a wide range of the Google network: Google search results, Google Play, YouTube, Gmail, and other apps. Whatever your goal, the Google Ads platform’s bidding strategies can answer it accurately. Application promotion campaigns are compatible with both Android and iOS applications. Our consultants support you as part of your Mobile App Ads strategy on the Display network within Google Ads on the Google Display Network programmatically.

6 Product Shopping Ads

Product shopping Ads, increase the visibility of your products even you can add your image, title and price in your ad.

Product Shopping ads allow you to include an image, title, price, and your store or business name inside your ads, without the need for you to create unique ads for each product you sell.

Our product shopping Ads experts perform an analysis of your site to list all the relevant keywords and find out keyword of the highest search volumes. We also support you in the drafting of strategic arguments because the optimization of marketing content is essential to allow your visitors to understand the benefits brought by your products.

7 Showcase Shopping Ads

Showcase shopping ads represent relevant products that you choose to represent your brand.  As a business owner, you can increase the quality of your leads by featuring products directly in your ads to help buyers.

How does it work?

First, our advertisers select a product category to promote to Internet users. These products are then distributed under a single banner in the users’ news feed.

This type of advertisement tends to be more easily displayed following generic queries. Indeed, during their research, some Internet users are in the exploration phase. So they don’t yet know what they want to buy. These ads can now be created using the new Google Ads interface.

Our methodology for configuring profitable AdWords campaigns revolves around the following axes:

Definition of KPIs

The definition of KPIs (key performance indicators) is essential to set up the appropriate campaign (s) (Search, Display, Shopping, Remarketing campaign) according to the objectives. Campaigns are oriented to respond to KPIs.

Implementation of KPI analysis and tracking tools

To monitor turnover, contact forms, or calls generated by AdWords, we use tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, or solutions from call tracking. We set up different solutions to analyze the performance of your AdWords campaigns.

Establishment of an adapted campaign structure

The campaigns are structured to improve their Quality Score and their performance. The structure of the campaign also allows it to evolve according to your objectives and your seasonality.

Choice of keywords and type of match

To optimize profitable campaigns, the choice of keywords and the choice of the type of match is one of the most important steps.

Analysis and optimization

We analyze data and results from campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to develop performing elements, to correct or to stop ineffective elements.


Google Ads is one of the best ways to drive traffic, leads, and sales for any business. But it’s not easy to know if they are right for your business. To do this, follow the following steps:

  • Start by analyzing your current budget.
  • Take a look at your competition and see if they are successful. If they generate sales, you can.
  • Find the keyword you want to target.
  • Finally, if you still don’t know, test the water. There are countless ad formats that can attract a large number of businesses. If all else fails, deposit $ 100 and see what happens.

Google Adwords can certainly work for small businesses; the only problem with this is that it can rob you of all of your money before you even understand what’s going on. Mistakes in Google’s advertising campaigns can lead to a lot of consumer waste, frustration, and mistrust on the platform. Small businesses with no experience with this particular digital channel should hire a specific Google ad agency just like us to serve their ads effectively.

It’s up to you to decide whether the ads you place on Google are expensive. If people click on your ad, you have to pay. If the same person who clicked on your ad landed on your webpage and bought the product, it’s worth it. After all, the goal is to make money by showing the ads you pay to generate sales to the people who click on them. However, if the ad is not relevant to the person who clicked it, it will cost you dearly. There are many reasons why Google Ads can be expensive, and here are the top reasons:

  • Keywords do not match ads
  • Incorrectly grouped keywords
  • Lack of correct keyword research
  • Lack of enough negative keywords

Irrelevant Content

There is no single answer or a comprehensive guide to using email, Google Ads, or Facebook Ads. You have to choose the platform that suits you the best. For deciding, follow the steps below:

  • Figure out how much you can pay to acquire customers.
  • Consider your industry and whether it is a research-intensive environment.
  • Perform a keyword survey to see the CPC area displayed in Google Ads.
  • Evaluate how far your budget will go under different scenarios.
  • Do more testing, testing, and testing to find the right combination.

Yes, its because AdWords is a powerful tool that generates the following benefits:

  • Fast results
  • Almost endless possibilities
  • Impressive analysis
  • Cancel your AdWords campaign at any time
  • It allows to enter the competition